Walmart, 97 cents, for Vibration Control

Simply place on components, or wrap around cables and plugs.  As with footers, location counts.  The more resolving systems will benefit.  The "Fuzzy Sticks" resemble pipe cleaners, but they are lighter, thinner and less rigid.  This means they can be folded, bent in spirals, and cut with a scissors. 

Prepare to be astonished.  What music lover doesn't have micro-vibrations they would prefer to eliminate?



Showing 3 responses by mwatsme

I don’t know about pipe-cleaners, but this is what I use...

Light anti-vibration


Medium anti-vibration


Heavy anti-vibration


NAD C-series top and bottom-side anti-vibration (to look like NAD Master-series pucks).


A collection of 3D models, also showing one with neodymium magnet embedded.

I 3D-print these and (as can be seen) combine with other vibration-reducing materials (golf practice balls, squash balls, rubber slip-resist pads, magnets, etc.) to suit each application.

Here we see the NAD C-series pucks in action

Makes the Classic series look more like the Masters series.

Another good make-shift ant-vibration solution is Velcro - that’s what's between gear racks and turntable plinths. Get the heavy-duty Velcro, (supports more weight without crushing) and the other great benefit is the plinth can’t be pushed or slid off the rack by accident/kids/pets/etc. My DIY-conversion IKEA racks can actually be lifted and carried around by the butcher-block plinths (if the rack is empty). 

I would not recommend 3M "Dual-Lock" - that will have little/no anti-vibration effect. Dual-Lock has it's purpose, I use that on the motorcycles for mounting cameras, camera remotes, XM antennas, etc., but if you're looking for vibe-control don't mistakenly buy "Dual-Lock" for that. You also don't want "Low-profile" for anti-vibe because you want the highest profile available.

This reminds me of another anti-vibe solution that’s on the IKEA racks... equipped with soft rubber casters to help isolate from the floor, and enabling easily spin and move (to make cable connections) - very convenient with a 73 Lb. amp on the bottom shelf.