Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players

Hello, I'm ready to send my Wadia 861se to Great Northern Sound in the next month for their Reference upgrade. Would I be better off selling the 861se and finding a used Esoteric X-01 or Emm Labs transport&dac. Having SACD might be kind of nice. Has anyone compared these three? Thanks! Stan

Showing 2 responses by metralla

SACD media has no texture, I'm amazed how bad this media sounds

Really? Maybe you need to do better than an Accuphase - and I don't mean more money either.

and I must say that sacd is for deft people only

I'm probably daft, but not deaf. ;-)

Tadman, thanks for the reply. Your list was interesting, and does provide perspective. Cheers to Copenhagen - one of my favourite cities.

I have heard others claim that SACD is flawed, and I don't just mean technically. The fellow who modified my Sony XA777ES over four years ago (Ric Schutlz - EVS) did not much like the rising ultrasonic noise pattern from a purist point of view, but can you hear it?

I'd like it if the superiority of SACD over Redbook was a fact - so much more 16/44.1 material available and a lot cheaper.

I've just never had that demonstrated to me.
