Vinyl rips - still worth it?

Streaming is getting better. Is it still worth it, to record vinyl to digital files?

I would like comments based on experience. 

One basic issue should be mentioned. When you record a LP you are the owner of this recording. You can bring it along and play wherever you want. It is not just something you rent, like with streaming. You can play it regardless of an internet connection. And if your main system breaks down, or you get out of vinyl playback, you can still have a large library of your vinyl albums, in digital format.

Some factors are quite clear. The better the LP production and sound, the more value of a recording. The better your analog playback chain, and the recorder, the more value. The chance rises, that it will sound better than streaming.

Your experience is welcome.

My personal view is that, with fairly good LPs and a fairly good playback system and recorder, vinyl rips are still worth it.

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Showing 1 response by bstatmeister

I like the idea of doing vinyl rips. I love my vinyl front end and also being able to play a vinyl master (usually more dynamic range than CD/streaming due to the digital loudness war) anytime, anywhere has benefit to me.