TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.

Showing 2 responses by dev


you said;

"I see two Raven arm for sale and not selling, lots of looks but no sale, used Raven tables same thing it seems."

I just viewed the adds and did not see these arms you speak of and one out of only the two tables shows sold.

Seems contradict your statement made!
Dertonarm, yes I'm well aware of that so what are the other sites with these items for sale then.

I think the comment was more of a snide remark by In_shore