Turntable rumbling

Hello Friends, merry xmas
I have at the moment, a Michell Tecodeck turntable, with a Garrot Bros updated P77 cardridge, I have bought new speakers and amp, Redgum amp, with phono stage, and Usher speakers, I have enjoy the "Break in Stage" of all equipment, as It was so much better, but after approx 50 hours use, all of a sudden the LP,s, have a bass boom, at the start of the LP, and any warped LPs is un playable, I took out the styls, from the cartridge, and seems OK.
All My LP's are mimt no clics and pops!!
The last time I played the LP's was on a Well Tempered Classic, an I had no promblem.
I have set the cartridge, on the correct weight, well the Sure was 1gm out compare to the digital, friends I'm geting upset not good after a heart attack!!
Can someone put me on the right track, as I have just got back into Hi Fi, Where I live down here, on the South Coast of Australia, there is no shop, that deals with Hi-Fi, to get any assistance I have to drive 4 Hours to Sydmey!!
Kindest Regards
David Spry

Showing 1 response by tubeo

Moonglum is onto something . Evem though your stylus looks great , you may have a catridge suspension issue . The sagging of the cantilever would cause the cartridge body to hit the raised outer lip of the Record .

This " may " be corrected for by raising the VTA [ raise the rear of the tonearm ] .