TRL ST225 - Goodness anyone else own this amp

I will soon be writing a review on this amp and wonder if any fellow Agoners own this gem. If so, please let us hear your comments on it. I am nothing short of amazed by it. I had to "downsize" and sold a tube monobloc amp and tubed preamp combo costing over $15,000 new. Both pieces were fine sounding and well regarded.

I ended up trading a set of speakers for a TRL ST225 integrated amp. I had never heard of this amp before and was not aware of Paul's work.

All I will say for now is this integrated amp bested my previous set-up and is the finest sound my speakers and room have provided.

I am a tube guy folks and this SS amp is still the finest amp I have ever heard. I put $5000 in the bank and have better sounding music. Now that is exciting!!!

They cost some $5500 new and mine was purchased/traded as used. It had just been updated by Paul and came direct to me once the upgrade was finished.

Happy in MN


Showing 18 responses by grannyring

Yes it now fully broken in. I did find improvement over a 150 hour burn in time. I played it 24/7 for a week and have been listening for another 6 weeks or so.

I say the amp now has over 300 hours on it.

You are correct about AC power running the display and motor transport.


You will just not believe how good this amp is. Forget the word downsize as it will be the finest amp you have owned. Music will flow and you won't feel like it's missing that or could do this other thing better.

It takes a few weeks to fully burn in and sound its best.
Mine is always on now and it runs cool all the time.

I want to let all Agoners know how wonderful this amp is. I have been containing myself as much as possible over the last few weeks, but must now spill out just a little.

Here is the plain truth based on my experience as an audiophile over the last 22 years. Please keep in mind I have owned and heard more reference quality amps/preamps then I care to list right now. I can say with 100% honesty that no preamp/amp combo has come close to being as good as this integrated. For me it is the first perfect amp or component I have owned.

My speakers never sounded this good at low volume. They have never sounded this good at moderate volume. They have never sounded this good at 105 db listening levels. No, they have always sounded like speakers, but now they sound like music.

I stumbled apon it as part of a trade. I had no idea what it was except the person trading with me told me it was wonderful and he is/was trustworthy.

I thought I was down-grading and saving money. I saved big money and upgraded like I have never experienced before.

This is not the best amp within a certain price point. It is the best amp period that my ears have heard.

Yes, I am sounding like an audio nut or some over zealous case. I don't care because it is true Agoners.

Ok, I let it out and feel good!

I will post a full review very shortly.

Dennis - the - menace - I love some of these usernames!

Here are some (just some of the best) of my past amp/preamp experiences at home.


Audio Horizons - My favorite of the bunch
Tom Evan Vibe
Thor TPA1000
Wavac - Forget the model #
Supratek Syrah
Supratek Cortese
Joule LA150


Canary CA339's - best of the group
Mcintosh 402
NuForce SE 9
JC1 monoblocks
Belles Reference 350A
Belles 350A monoblock amps
David Berning Z 270
Thor TPA30's @ 60's
Joule Vamp Integrated
George Wright 2a3 monos
Wavac SET amp 845 based - forget the model #
Monarchy SE250's
Several Blue Circle Hybrid amps
Butler Audio
Vac Musicbloc monos

Hope this helps.

When I say this int amp is better please understand I don't mean by some small margin. It has utterly transformed my music and my audio experience like no other piece of gear.

After "playing" with so many great amps I figured no system could ever really sound that much better - perhaps a little different or one aspect better here ......

No, the TRL ST225 broke through a plateau I thought was not possible or available in audio reproduction.

I wish more Audiogoners were reading this thread as many more people would be amazed and smiling like me.

I had Van The Man in my listening room last night as I listened to his live recording "A Night In San Fran" I was lost my friends - lost in the concert.



Understand and have had the pleasure of emailing others directly. I am ordering a modified Sony CD player from TRL as I am just floored by Brian & Paul's work.

Take care,


I am also getting one of his power cords for the ST225. Don't need one for the CD player as it will also have his battery mod. I don't think a power cord will matter on his fully modified Sony with battery?

Like to hear your comments on this.



I so understand your thinking on this. I owned the AH preamp you have with $14,000 Canary CA339 tube monoblock amps. These tube amps tipped the scales at 70 pounds each with 8 - 300b tubes pushing out 50 glorious tube watts per channel. Many think these Canary amps are among the best amps one can own.

This ST225 int amp so utterly surpassed these previous components that it shocked me. I can't say it any clearer then already mentioned above in my various posts. If folks don't and can't believe it, then that is unfortunate.

I repeat, this is not some slight improvement here or there, but another realm, another level of live music playing in my room.

Sherod, I have no reason to overstate the reality of this gear. I have no agenda. I would have never thought gear this good was even available - at any price. I had come to the place where I thought most top end gear all competed on a similar level with only slight differences.

This amp has changed all that.

I can't explain why this amp is not more heavily promoted. What I do know is the ST225 amp will open your audio and music world to levels you never thought affordable or possible. This is the truth of the matter.

If I did not have this amp in my listening room, I may have pushed aside this thread. I understand. Many folks say many great things about new audio products. Posts like this one are everywhere. I understand your comments.

I have owned much great gear and have some credible experience behind me. I stand behind every word I have said with passion as this amp is a must find for many more Agoners.

Oh well, yes I am excited about this amp.

Not sure how to post a picture on this thread? Can't open up the unit as the allen screws are stripped out to keep folks from peeking in and trying to copy his work. TRL would have to do that. I don't know much about the unit and really have not concerned myself with it as it just sounds amazing.

No remote, dual mono build, 80 pounds, left and right volume knob, 3 inputs, dead quiet, never even gets warm, stays on all the time.

I own Dali Grand speakers. I have owned them for 5 years. I tried the new Helicon 800's plus several others as the upgrade bug hits, but each time the Grands came out on top.

I still own Joseph Chow's wire and find it to be very good for the money.

I am really not sure why the top screws are stripped, but if anything goes wrong the amp would need to go to TRL.
I suppose one could cut a slit and then use a flathead to remove the screws.

Not sure if all units are that way or just mine.

I have no idea if the unit has fuses or not. I know there is a 12(or so) point protection circuit that handles any potential issues. The amp will shut off (one channel) if a problem is detected.

I understand these units are problem free and way overbuilt in the first place.

Lots of folks are emailing me with questions on this amp. Please call TRL as I really know very little beyond the way it sounds. I am sure Paul and Brian can and will help you. They do answer the phone which is so rare.

If someone can tell me how to "post a picture" here I will for those who would like to see it.


I was listening to great music tonight and am so thankful for this amp. Natural is the word of the night. Music flowed so naturally and easy.

Every CD I play just gets my full attention.

I keep my amp on at all times and have not noticed a larger electricity bill? Can't be pulling that much juice from the wall? The amp is never even warm to the touch.

Paul did confirm the amp uses no fuses as they degrade sound.

Yes, tubes are a thing of the past for me in my main system. I may play with a small tube based system for my bedroom someday.


Glad to read your comments! I have ordered the battery operated Sony player from TRL and expect in in a week or so.


Yes, the amp is rated at 225, but Paul did say it puts out closer to 300 watts per channel. I have owned monoblock amps rated at 400 watts per channel that can play very loudly. What is special about the ST225 Int amp is even at sound pressure levels of 100db+ the music is not loud in a "headache" way.

I was listening to a live CD of blues/Jazz/Rock at db levels exceeding 105 (I don't do this often) and the music from highs to lows maintained perfect balance with no portion of the sound spectrum suffering. Same perfect balance found at low and moderate listening levels. The music simply grew in size, scale and impact. No hint of distortion, compression or shrill highs. Just perfect tone from top to bottom. This is the first time I have experienced such sonic perfection at 105 db.

The notes seem to float out into the room and swell in size and impact as I turn it up. Many SS amps "fire" the music at you.I notice this especially at loud volumes. Many tubes amps compress and start to get muddy in the bass and shrill in the highs.

Another thing I notice and enjoy all the time is how "take notice" muscular the amp is. No matter what I listen to, guitar & piano solo, Jazz, vocals, rock etc; the weight and flesh are simply awesome. The body of the instrument, the body and soul in voice, the weight and power of bass notes quick and sustained all cause me to take notice in amazement.

I can listen and do listen to music for hours with no hint of fatigue. Again, perfect tonally at ALL volumes.

Having fun,

Just received my TRL modified Sony 900 player. I got the full blown mod with battery option. Very good indeed. I will let it burn in 24/7 for another week before a say much more.Great combo with the ST225. I also have Paul's power cord on the ST225 now.

I am very happy with both the amp and cd player and cannot imagine moving away from these units for a long, long time.


Any comments for us on the ST225?


This is the very same experience I am having. Nice short review! The more time you spend with it the more amazed you will be.

Buckle up!

I did try my integrated with a fully upgraded and loaded AH 2.1 with Joseph's best tubes. I loved that preamp!

This is hard for me to say as I loved that preamp so much, but the TRL integraded was much better without the AH preamp. Now, I dont have a remote and now have two volume knobs so that may be a problem for some. The music was just so damn good I don't care about remotes anymore.

I just did not believe an integraded or even separates could best the AH pre and all other amps I have ever mated with it by an audio mile. This TRL did to be sure.

The preamp section of my ST225 is quite similiar to the Dude as I understand it.

The whole wanting or liking a tube preamp thing just goes out the window with TRL's latest SS gear. It becomes a non-issue as this amp sounds like music not tubes or SS - just great music. Always composed, in control, no part of the sound spectrum out of balance, effortless power with slam and delicacy at the same time.

It really must be heard or experienced in ones system to be honest. Words do a poor job here.

I stand corrected as the preamp section in my ST225 int amp is passive with a very high quality volume control.

I will also be purchasing a Dude as soon as I can afford one, but for now I love my TRL int amp. The amp section in my int amp is exactly the same as the sole amplifier by TRL.
