Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?

I just read that an Audiogon member is selling a pair of speakers because of Tinnitus - ringing in the ears.

I have Tinnitus in both ears, one worse than the other, but I have learned to live with it.

Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Do you know of a treatment that has had successful results?


Showing 1 response by inpepinnovations1e75

Nrchy, Pbb didn't say that the placebo effect didn't work, only that that is what works with some people. Chiropractors can't cure hearing problems caused by physiological problems. As to whether chiros can cure other problems, well that is open to debate.
This smacks of the same old arguement used in audiophile circles of "if I hear a difference then it must exist and how dare you say that there isn't a difference".
The placebo effect is a very powerful thing