Time to upgrade my turntable?

Current signal chain:
Technics SL1210mk2 with KAB fluid damper kit, internal ground and arm cabling kit, Ortofon Blue
McIntosh C220 pre
MC7270 power
Ohm Super Walsh 4.4012

So I have just gotten this system all pieced together from items I've had in storage (the speakers are new), and just realized my stylus is MIA on the Ortofon Blue. 

I was thinking of upgrading to the Ortofon Black or something similar, maybe MC. Then the thought hit me, maybe it's just time to upgrade the table rather than hoping for a material increase in SQ from just a new cart. I love the technics for what it is but frankly it's ugly. That said I would want to stay in the world of Direct Drive, and have a serious interest in the Technics G/GR. 

So, what are your thoughts?
Is a $700 cart on my SL1210 overkill?
Would a GR and a Black give me noticeable improvements?
Other tables I should be considering?


Showing 1 response by relayer101

If you are interested in changing to a Moving Coil cartridge look into the Hana Shibata MC cartridges for $750 at a similar price to the Ortofon Black MM cart.  They are offered in a low or high output. Hana makes a great MC cart for the money.