Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


Showing 1 response by therandyman

I am ok with him and appreciate his work.  Like any reviewer, one should take whatever he says with a grain of salt.  Much of what he does is for entertainment!  Although I have several components outside his normal price range (McIntosh, Focal, Klipsch La Scalas, etc.) from time to time I am looking for something special.  For example, I wanted an inexpensive open-back headphone to use for online music lessons.  (I already have some expensive headphones for music listening.). An internet search led me to his recommendation of Emotiva.  I then conducted independent research, which supported his recommendation.  I purchased the headphones and they have delivered exactly what I wanted.  His review is what led me to them.  So, thanks to him!