Tell us compliments received on your system...

So, it is common for a non-audiophile to doubt the need for high-end gear. Describe a compliment you remember from one of these folks when they hear your set-up.

I had one a while back that was kinda fun. Fellow saw my Dyn monitors and severely doubted they produced the bass that he was hearing. I told him there was no sub on- he looked all over until he found my sub in the corner. "What's this then?" he asked. "It's not on" I said, then I went over and turned it on. The sub is real clean- now he complained it wasn't boomy enough. I thought that was quite a compliment-even tho he didn't know it. Heheh ;-)



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I guess I should sell my system and by me a Bose Music Wave Radio. The truth is, most poeple who hear my system are genuninely unimpressed. Most simply say politely 'it sounds nice'. Other comments, 'I had a $100 pair of speakers that sounded as good. Again from the same person 'the $50 sat/sub stereo in the kitchen sounds better. Yet another who thought it sounded incredible said 'I am not sure if I want to spend $1000 to get this good sound though'. He was listening to a $15K system. I guess he thought $1K at Best Buy could duplicate it. I am convinced that most people cannot appreciate the depth of sound that we hear.