Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge

I noticed that Music Direct has 20% off cartridge sale on select cartridges. I am still using a ZU/Denon DL103 MC cartridge Series 1 with the cartridges tightest tolerances. I purchased it here from “Audiofiel” back in 2010 and have used it sparingly since. I had been using a Dynavector DV20XL cartridge which I bought a couple of years ago but my 6 yo nephew destroyed it (that’s another story) so I am back to the ZU/Denon.

My table is a Technics SL1200G which I truly love. I have been looking at the Hana Low out put MC cartridges. I am interested in the low output “S” series as the $600.00 price is right where I want to be. Now, the million dollar questions: I listen to 95% 60’s, 70’s and 80’s Rock and want whatever cartridge I purchase to make the records sound good without excessive surface noise. Will the Hana S be up to the task? My Mac C2500 tube preamp has cartridge loading from 50 ohms up to 1000 ohms so I should be ok. I just want to be sure this cartridge will be very musical and full bodied sound. I do no want a thin sound. So there you have it, yay or neigh?


Showing 1 response by socalml528

So many options;  For MC, I went with a Hana SH (high output) into the MM port of my McIntosh MA352.  It was in replacement of an Ortofon 2M Black.  Similar in price but the Hana is such a noticeable improvement.  The Hana is so much more forgiving on less than perfect vinyl than the 2M Black.  The details, rich bass and warm sound are all much better.  My local audio place that set up my turntable was pushing Hana even before when I went with the 2M Black and now I see why.

Hana SH