SS Preamp suggestion for Ayre V3

Hi all,

I have an Ayre V3 sitting around and I'm thinking about setting up a 2nd system. I think the best match is to get another Ayre (K3x, K5) but since it's a 2nd "casual" system I'll have to keep the budget very low (burnt too much on the main rig). I'm looking for used and cheaper than K3x/K5. Or another option is to sell the V3 and get an integrated.

Do you have any suggestions?


I don’t have suggestions related to your situation but I’ve been looking for another V3 since mine had a major issue which I decided not to spend the money on. If yours becomes for sale, then, I’d be interested if the price is right. I’m currently using the Cary SLi80 integrated amp in my main system and I’m willing to consider up or down trades for the right SS amp either power or integrated.