Speakers for Lamm ML2.1

I am pretty close to making a decision on speakers for my Lamm ML2.1. I listen to jazz and classical music mainly. Front end is currently Wadia but will probably switch to EMM set up. I have a Budget of $50,000 for the speakers. I usually prefer to buy new. Room size is currenly 20x21 with 9 ft ceiling, however custom room once the speakers are bought. Wanted to hear from experianced audiophiles on which direction they would go.

comments appreaciated
thx andy

Showing 1 response by rcupka

I would suggest you visit Romy's site www.goodsoundclub.com
to learn more about the Lamm sound and to what extent he's gone to in developing a speaker system to truly get the most out of them.

Unfortunately, this is not a product you can just order at the dealer. The good news is he provides much of the information needed to build the system. With the usual high end retail being 5 times cost, Romy's speaker system would likely retail for 150K plus and is not easily duplicated due to the use of vintage drivers.