Speaker pairings with Pass INT-30A

Fellow Audiogoner's I'm looking for a pair of monitors to go with the INT-30A. Not going to restrict the conversation to a price point as I'm curious about all possibilities. The only condition is they have to be monitors!'


Showing 3 responses by mariasplunge

Thanks for the responses.
I'll definately look at the Revels, they are on a short list.

John, what speakers do you have?
Anybody heard the 30A with the Paradigm S2's?

Just to clarify, my room is 13x20 with 9 ft ceilings if that helps any.

Thanks for the suggestions!
SOme more great suggestions. Thanks all. The Zu definitions look intriguing but out of my price range I believe.
Maybe the MK III's on the used market MIGHT COME CLOSE.

I'm looking at about $2000-3000 budget wise.

Monitors mainly because they have to have a high wife pleasing factor right now and that means relatively small!

I once owned the Merlin's vsm-mme with BAM. Really liked that speaker. Wonder if the 30A could cut the mustard with the TSM though?

Revels sounds like a possibility but I hear you on needing a sub.

Rest of my system as it is now consists of the 30A Clearaudio Concept table and MC cart, K&K phono pre, acoustic revive cabling. Just need the speakers to make it all sing.

No opinions on the Paradigm S2's?

I mainly listen to rock/pop, a fair bit of jazz, not really classical. My goal is an accurate system that sounds musical but also fairly neutral. I appreciate speakers that can perform well on female vocals for example but also have the drive and snap to carry electric guitar.

Thanks for the continued help!