Speaker Cable-The Best of the Cheap?

Hi all, I must confess, I've used relatively inexpensive 12ga Monster Cable for quite a few years, and is pretty much due to the four 10ft runs of cable I need in my own system.

Can someone here please recommend a similar cost, similar gauge cable that would perhaps exceed the Monster Cable's performance, and build quality?

The Cable does not have to be terminated, this I will do myself.

I'm open to all suggestions, and would also like to know who would be the best business to buy this said cable from?
Thank you all, Mark

Showing 1 response by mt10425

I have 20ft runs of Vampire Wire continuous cast(some companies market it as "single crystal") copper 12 ga. They are two separate cables(1 red, 1 black). The quality of the copper is substantially better than Monster and many other cables. Call Stuart at Sound Connections.