Sonus Faber Cremona in a small room?

Hi there. Just curious if anyone has experience with either the Cremona or Auditor in a small room. My system is moving into either a room that is 10x12x9(ceiling height) or a loft that is 20x13x8. Do these speakers do well in a smallish room? Can they be placed near walls?

Thanks in advance.
The 3 way cremona would work ok in the loft room, havever im have come to learn that the farther i can get mine away from the walls the better the sound, an the difference is not subbel.
For you application go for the auditor or new cremona M wich dossent has need as big a room

Here is some pictures taken in the sonus faber factory`s listning room where the Cremona was concived.
And if you look you will also see bering zh 270 amp wich franco serblin also used for voiceing the org cremonas.
Hi Taboooe,

I have the new Cramona M's in my room that is about 20 feet wide by 16 feet deep. I sit on the long wall facing the other long wall. My speakers are about 12 feet from my ears. They do not seem to load up the room at all. Nice bass integration. The speakers are about 3 feet off of the back wall and about 4 feet from the side walls. I had some Maggie 1.6's in there last and boy did they load up that room. Just too much speaker surface area for the room to dissipate. These speakers really blend nice with the room. I would say that they will be fine.
They should be fine along the long wall of the loft if you get them 3-4 feet in from the front and sides. I used them in a similar sized room in this configuration and they sounded great. For decor purposes, they now sit 2'-3' from the short wall and sides and don't image very well. Ah, so....

Good Luck,


You should place the speakers at least 3-4 from the walls even do SF italy personally recommended me to leave 5ft or try to increase the distance between the speakers and close them up that would help you.