Solid state "backup" amp recommendation

Too hot to run my BAT VK-75SE all day on weekend during summer, like to have a solid state amp to fill that job instead. Will be a "backup" amp to my BAT, so can't spend a fortune on it. Budget can be $1k to $2.5k, it's a big range I know. Another criteria is XLR input so I don't need an adaptor.

Have tried Pass X-350, Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Accuphase P-450, Levinson 331, Forte 4A and many others in the past, favorite was Forte for its musical and tube like sound especially considering its price. But I would like a little more power not to mention something newer for peace of mind.

Amps I am considering, Pass X-250, BAT VK-200/500, Classe CAM-200. What will you vote for? I am leaning toward Pass. Anything else I should consider?

Showing 2 responses by muralman1

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