Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by sbank

Thanks, Tom. Looking forward to seeing it.
It's always easier to work up the nerve & coin to try some of these things when we have a better understanding of how they attempt to attack the problem.
Ultimately we have to trust our ears, but it's nice to narrow things down to gear with rational thinking behind it.
Sorting through all the marketing BS is what I think turns off so many to our hobby. Getting on a rant tangent here, but the Bose crowd has really done all of us a disservice that's resulted in generations now growing up without giving due to good music reproduction in the home. Anything that brings us closer to the music!