Sheffield/XLO Test & Burn-in CD. Directions?


Once again I turn to you for help, and once again I thank you all for the help, knowledge, advice and truly bad jokes you have shared in the past.
I have a Sheffield/XLO Test & Burn-in CD, the directions for which are badly water damaged.
I find that the application of this disc improves the sound quality of every system I have used it on.
As stated above, my user's guide is kaput, so if anyone has the directions or knows where I may find them I would appreciate it.
I have googled, and not yet found the instructions.


Showing 1 response by rhanechak

Dtsag: If you can do that I will be eternally grateful.

Tabl10s: True, some of the tracks have voice instruction, but I want to be sure that I'm using the demagnetizing and burn in tracks completely.