Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...


I purchased a 2000.00 Universal and about 10 titles mostly SACD

SACD- Nice on surround, actual 5.1 disks, Stereo SACD well if you can get a Re-mastered CD or a Hybrid then its just as good on an awesome Redbook player as thru an SACD decoder... It is interesting.

DVD-A- Most of them ended up very UNDERWHELMING.... as stated earlier, and just a PAIN IN THE A$$...

Vinyl- I am only mentioning this as it seems viable for the discussion, as much garbage as it takes to turn on a DVD-A disc half the time I can put a LP on my VPI record cleaner, and Que it up just as well and it BLOWS away the DVD-A, and Most SACD's... I am not an Analog protector, as a matter of fact I bought My Analog RIG after ATTEMPTING SACD/DVD-A universal world.

CD- Bottom line Re-mastered Cd's and SACD Hybrids sound superior on a good old 16x BIT WADIA 4000.00 player than the SACD on the top of the line Marantz SACD player(this was borrowed)... This will catch much Heat I am sure, but drop the drama, invest Redbook, You can't buy anything on SACD or DVD-a in comparison to well recorded Redbook on a Very good redbook machine unless you are looking for the true benefit of surround SACD's. 2 channel I do not see the point.

Now let me back up, I am irritated only because, I am young, never had vinyl, and I started my High-end(audiophile) Life right in the Middle of SACD/DVD-A War about 2 years ago, so of course I had to have it... I will never go back to the headach of it now that someone was kind enough to show me the true sound of a Wadia player and a Vinyl rig in comparison to it.

I sold all Hi-Def Audio Software and Hardware and took all that money to the used market and Purchased the Wadia and Vinyl rig with YES an old fashoned Record cleaner to get the most out of it, and could not be Happier! Plus 90% of everything you could want is on Vinyl and CD, including New bands, many re-issues, etc...

Don't get me wrong, If you are into the titles that are in abundance on the SACD format GO FOR IT! It sounds VERY VERY good, but if you like maybe 10 CD's that exist on it, take the extra Money and purchase at least a Theta, Wadia, Maybe even Krell Machine(but I do not like the sound as much)... Okay don't take this as bashing, this is Truly my opinion on what I have heard and spent much time testing, And these were all done in home comparisons with Equal cost equipment for the most part for many months. And done in a very good room, good cables, speaker placement, power supply, and acoustic treated room that sounds excellent and does not lie....

I have nothing against the Hi-res music, hell I wanted it, I tried it as a newbee, and there is some definate impressive stuff, the MAIN thing I love about using Hi-res is When you can get your favorite guys in concert with DTS up on the HDTV in front of you, that so far is the only worthy format I have found worth the money and the cause, So I have a Seperate MOVIE / Slash / Concert DVD system that is a lot of fun and phoenominal results... But 2 Channel, get the best CD's or Hybrids, because the Hybrids do for some reason sound better than the originals probably due to they are Re-mastered very well, and a rewarding CD player will show this as much as the SACD counterpart if in a correctly setup system. And Vinyl, Ha well lets just say coming out of college recently my friends laugh until they here it cranked and can't believe it, especially if you have some good stuff to back it, but there is "DOG" recordings on ALL formats so don't think any sytem will Turn coal into a diamond in front of you.

But this all costs money No doubt, I only threw this little thread in here to maybe help some people save some cash... We can't have it all, but you can have it better if you know the direction to go in, I did not, but I found it, and it was full circle all the way back to the begining.. Don't let Hype rule your ears.

Showing 21 responses by ben_campbell

I'm still waiting for the SACD is dead quote you both seem to think I made........
Interesting to hear so many points I can identify with having been down a similar route.

It has long been my contention that the formats have failed to attract even large sections of what should have been the early adoptors.
Jactoy when have I ever said that SACD is not superior?
You've made the accusation now direct me in the direction of that quote.

What I have said is that I accept on the right equipment due to it's technical superiority SACD will sound superior but I haven't heard the best of SACD equipment.
The main point of many of these posts is that SACD is not a clear improvement for many.
People who own SOTA equipment really required the levels below to support the format.

If you are going to quote me you should really pay attention to what I've said.
If you want to hear the problems associated with SACD I suggest you reread this thread.
Did I brain wash all these people?
Jactoy nice editing I say Redbook is a superior format regards availabilty.............note I say technically SACD is SUPERIOR.

The full original reply.

Perhaps it would have been prudent to ask Matchstikman his budget and his system.
There are others who think based on what they've heard on SACD that it DOESN'T make a very big difference on playback quality at all especially down at the entry level to moderate level of things.
There are some of us who have heard inferior SACD discs in comparison to their Redbook versions.
It is also rich imho to make such statements when some of the above have already admitted that on certain hybrids the Redbook layer is better.
It also depends how you determine "superior"-are we talking technically,sonically or as a format?
Redbook is still the superior format in my book since if I want to buy new music I can actually buy it and listen to it on Redbook.
There's no doubt technically SACD is superior,I also respect those who have heard the improvements SACD brings to them on their systems-again other haven't.
But it is a pretty complicated issue-I found SACD inferior as a format for several reasons and sold all my SACD discs but kept my hybrids for the Redbook layer.
Tbg you are as bad as Jayctoy where did I say SACD was dead?

Please remember the music review website I set up FOR Audiogon members has a SACD section.
I think I've done more than most for SACD in a positive sense even if I did not embrace the format.

To answer your other point Tbg you can see from this thread many audio fans have been disapointed by the format.
Are we just to be sheep and not share our experiences?

Some of these comments are beyond silly and I don't really know why I'm getting singled out.
Tbg-sorry but PLEASE show me where I wrote SACD is dead?

I'm getting more than a little angry now-if you can't read what I've written and explained then please do not mention me by name nor attribute statements I have NEVER made.
Oh and Jactoy you said of me "He will never agree that SACD
is superior" and there is the proof from 2003 where I say technically it is.

I'm not really expecting a reply as I think this thread speaks for itself.
Tbg you are a SACD fan and you see little to concern you.

Badly mastered SACD's?

Lack of availability of titles?

Major artists rejecting the format?

Audio fans who have concerns about the format?

I can freely accept you are enjoying the format but isn't it the case potentially it would flourish if these issues didn't exist?
Isn't it the remit of forums for people to post their opinions?
I mean if someone thinks their valuable money could have been better spent-isn't it fair to help others hear their opinion?

Please also explain why I have a seperate area on my reviews page for a dead format?
And why if I had the cash why I would buy the Meitner equipment?

I think you are missing the point also.
Tvad this thread was started by audio fans for audio fans and so were the questions I asked.

With all due respect it's nothing to do with Joe Public;it's the fact audio fans are finding problems with the format.

Is there another way I can say this to get people to read it correctly?
Tbg I think it's quite clear Matrix was engaging with fellow audio fans like everybody else who posts here,to suggest otherwise is plain silly.

Now for clarifiction for my stance on SACD.

I have never said SACD was dead and I have never implied it was either indeed I have ALWAYS said it would survive as an Audiophile format and I suspect it still will.

Since Lugs my music review site was designed to enhance Audiogon member's knowledge and focus on music I was delighted to have a SACD section because I realise many Audiogon members are keen on the format.
In that if I may humbly say so I have balanced my opinions on my failure to embrace SACD without reservation by doing something positive for the community.
It didn't come easy the time and effort to even get the thing off the ground

Why don't you pick on Matrix and the others?
They have plenty to say about SACD and it's faults.

My four examples are to indicate the current state of SACD as perceived by some if you think everything is rosy in it's garden then fine.It's only about opinions and indeed perceptions.

What is bugging my ass greatly and apologies to yourself Tvad any anybody else who I'm upsetting is being misrepresented as King Anti-SACD.

It hasn't worked out for me at this juncture,I'm not alone in that but I could well pick it up again at a later date.

If you want to look back at the debate on Audiogon over the last few years I do think most of my points have stood up but that HASN'T stopped a single person getting their enjoyment out of SACD and I'm glad they have enjoyed it.

Please read those points,it's quite clear if you cancel out what you think I'm writing with what I'm actually writing.
Tbg is surely not different from any other post, the guy has had an experience that others have related to and other strongly disagree with.

He explains quite clearly why he posted.
Tvad I never thought it was I was only arguing my corner nor did I accuse anybody of being mean.

I'm quite sure if you were misquoted you'd try to rectify it and if you did I wouldn't think you were being thin skinned.

Like yourself I'm bailing out-everybody have a great day!
Guidocorona ever thought you could fight your corner passionately?
I've been relaxed the whole time but obviously you know better.
Send me a list of rules on how you think I should conduct myself MrKnowitall.
You can't take anything serious when people have obvious reading disorders-makes you wonder if their ears are any better.
Robm321 you really are a cracker.

CD didn't happen?
Nah neither it did.

As for waiting a few years well I've already done that and won the argument to this point.It was stated by a few then that SACD was going to take over CD, it remains the niche Audiophile format I said it would.

What I think you should do rather than taking about people digging holes (care to point me in the direction where I said I'd hope it would die?)maybe you should read what was written.
There's a real inability around here to do that.
I'll leave it that.
That was clearly a joke hence the :-).

As I said learn to read and understand the context of an unfolding discussion (I had been told to lighten up).

You are not telling me you thought that was a serious comment?
Another guy who cannot read, that wasn't directed at you and if you followed the thread you'd realise that.
Guidocorona I've a lot more faith in SACD surviving than humour when it's in your hands.

I promise 100% I will never enter into another debate on SACD as a format on this forum.
I simply cannot be arsed with people determined to make their points without actually paying any relevance to the order of points made,the context and the need to make it personal and/or jump to the defence of others.

Rejoice and enjoy your music.