Rogue M-150's sonic flavour

Hi Guys;

I have not heard the Rogue M-150's. but they look like fun. I was hoping some of you could tell me their sonic "flavour". Are they rich and warm like older CJ gear, or more detailed and dynamic like some ARC gear?

Showing 1 response by sonti

Yes - I auditioned them both in my system. At the time my system was an Audio Aero CD player going directly into the power amps. The speakers are aCapella High Violons.
I greatly preferred the power of the Zeus - they matched my system better, however I could see this being a matter of taste. The sound through the 150s was more upfront and a bit too lively- read bright maybe. But in the right system that could be just what is needed. There is also a difference in the feeling of effortless power that the Zeus has. It should for the difference in the price!