Robert & Alison-Raising Sand

I just got this gem on vinyl the other day and i must say its fantastic. Quite the combo doing what they do best!

Anybody else had the chance to listen to this yet?


Showing 2 responses by mariasplunge

Steve I was wondering the same thing about Alison!

Like they say, I suppose it takes all kinds. Viridian sorry you got a warped one!

It is truly "sunday morning." There's a part of me that thinks all those years Plant spent going to that gathering in the Sahara was influential on this music. Laid back and drifting like the sands.
Knownothing, I have it on vinyl like I stated. I think it's well done and like a few others my appreciation for what this duo is doing grows. I think some folks dislike this album because it's not Plant being Plant or Krauss being Krauss. Outside of expectations, I do think it is recorded and mastered well and on vinyl, its a keeper for me.

Getting over the "easy listening" feel, well that may be another story. Like Olson said, its a fine winter morning listen, which I have plenty of here in Montana. Maybe thats why it resonates with me. That desolate alone sound.