Retired audiophile?

Maybe it comes with age. Fatigue with upgrades. Wisdom and satisfaction with the material world - acceptance of the audio system and a return to enjoyment of music without audio analysis - acceptance of deteriorating hearing and the resultant judgement that "what's the use" in the pursuit better fidelity - more restricted finances of retirement.. a feeling of "done for now" or forever. (Unless something brakes down) After improving and "investing" in my rig for over 30 years, I've come to the realization that I have little interest in the latest/greatest. "Tweaking" has little or no monetarily corresponding reward.
I'll still peruse the web, but the magazine subscriptions have elapsed and I don't miss the self-congratulatory reviews and commentary.
I suspect I'm not alone on this although the Audiogon community by it's very nature, is active in the hobby. Other retired audiophiles out there?

Showing 1 response by normansizemore


My wife and I moved a few years ago, and when I went to set up my system I did something different.  I took my time and my wife and I listened to all the amps, preamps, receivers that I had collected over the last forty years.  I ended up favoring my ancient Sansui 9090db over everything else I owned.  ( Krell, Mac, Citation, GAS, Mark Levinson, etc. ). I have friends that think I'm nuts, but I am enjoying my music like never before.  Listening is fun again, and what's upsetting is that what I am listening too now is pretty much the system that I started with. (So much wasted time and money)

So, yes I am a retired audiophile.  I now call myself a music lover and am buying more LPs then ever before.