Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?


Showing 2 responses by gpgr4blu

New records only. Place on VPI 17 rcm. Tighten center screw.
Spray record with Premier by Microcare. Gently rub with dedicated soft brush as Premier evaporates.
Pour MoFi Plus Enzyme cleaner on record. Spread and gently rub back and forth with dedicated brush.
Let sit for 3 to 5 minutes.
Vacuum w VPI.
Apply reagent grade water through wand on VPI. Rub back and forth with dedicated brush. Vacuum.
Repeat last rinse and vacuum step.
Works great. MoFi or Disc DR brushes work well for MoFi and water. Nitty Gritty brush for Premier. Always rub with grooves not against.
Learned of this routine from one of the most respected guys on this forum. It works very well.
Only one cleaning required if use Furutech Destat and compressed air to remove dust after each play. Keep stylus clean with Zerodust or MoFi #9 stylus cleaner. I know someone who swears by Magic Eraser for stylus cleaning.
That image scared me. I hadn't checked my stylus with a scope in about 6 months, so I checked my cart (Dynavector XV1-S) this morning with my USB digital microscope (same one Michael recommends) and found it to be clean ---very unlike Michael's picture. I hope Michael will let on what the culprit was. But I can tell you what it's not.
I use Audio Desk System for cleaning records and for years prior VPI HW 17 with Mobile Fidelity or Audio Intelligent cleaning fluids. None of these cleaners or cleaning products left residue on my cart in past microscopic viewings.
For stylus cleaning-- I use Zerodust probably once every other listening session and MoFi lp #9 about once every 5 or 6 sessions. After my initial microscopic view of the cart this morning, I for the first time used the short, dense stiff bristle brush that came with the cart and gave it a few light swipes. When I looked at the microscopic view post-brush I can say that the brush improved the picture from clean to very clean ----leaving me with a big question----If i just used the brush alone, would that do the trick?
Not sure I really care as my procedure on cart cleaning takes so little time. I will probably reduce the frequency or even eliminate the use of lp #9 however as fluids may not be the way to go over the long haul.