Recommended crossovers for Maggie 20.1s

A number of contributors to these forums have voiced dissatisfaction with the stock Maggie crossover units. So what do you recommend as a replacement that would provide noticeable improvement? The Mye Stands have helped a lot, I could get larger amps (using Krell fpb 350 monos) but don't know a thing about crossovers.

Showing 2 responses by peter_s

I had the Marchand solid state, which was just OK. I suspect the Bryston is better, and the Pass Labs is better than that if you have the $$$. I haven't hear the tube Marchand. I ended up with a 2-way custom Xover made by Tom Tutay. It wasn't cheap - but it was GREAT! Really opened up the system. Ultimately sold it all because the Maggies were too big for my room.
I agree that the Pass is likely great. I didn't miss a gain control on Tom's Xover at all. It just sounded great. In any case, I experimented with solid state amps on the bottom (Bel Canto Ref 1000, Parasound JC-1's, Bryston) and reasonably powered tubes on the top (VTL 450). There was a notable difference between the naturalness of the VTL's and the SS designs, and I ended up with two pairs of 450's biamped for each speaker. I also found that power seems to be more critical for the mids/highs - don't know why - but Bea at VTL reported the same finding for the Maggies (I didn't believe her at first).