Really satisfied???

I was wondering how many audiophiles are really satisfied with their systems to a point where they feel like there is no need to upgrade anymore. I say to myself sometimes there is no way anything else i can buy or replace can make my system sound any better. But then the next day i am looking and reading about what cd player or separates may sound better than my Krell KPS 20i.  My system consists of Krell FPB 600 , Mark Levinson 38s, Krell KPS 20i , Krell B&W Bass Alignment filters BAFs Balanced (2) , B&W Matrix 800s , Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. Am i really satisfied?? Hmmmmmm 
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Showing 1 response by mgattmch

At the risk of sounding smug, I am. At the beginning of 2017 I decided to build a TT based system for my office. Turntable is a Michell Engineering GyroDec (full plinth, not the SE version) with an SME IV tonearm and Clear Audio Maestro V2 Ebony cartridge. Preamp is a McIntosh C50 with a McIntosh MC275-MK VI tube power amp. And now for the really interesting bit; speakers are a pair of fully refurbished  Gale GS401A's. For those of you not familiar with Gale speakers here is a link:

The whole system sits on a custom made Core Audio plyKraft 3L stand. Not only does this system look beautiful (IMHO) it also sounds spectacular. Interestingly, my main system is a Krell/B&W set that cost about twice as much. The new Michell/Gale/McIntosh system sounds just as good, if not better. I have absolutely no plans to upgrade this system and I am enjoying playing records all over again after a 33 year absence.

For more information, see my previous post on this system.