Quboz/Aurender Issue

Looking for insights and a solution to a most perplexing issue that seems to have arisen as the result of a recent software update with my Aurender N10. I have been streaming Quboz through the Aurender with no issues for quite some time now, but since the software update I now have to log in to Quboz every time I open the Conductor app (previously, the Quboz app was always visible and operational). That is no big deal, but the real problem is that I am getting only thirty second snippets of any track I try to play.

For added context, I am able to use the Quboz app on my iPhone through the system and the tracks play as they should, but so far, I have not been able to find a solution to playing full tracks on Qubox through the Aurender.

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, please and thanks.


Showing 3 responses by cleeds

Did you contact Aurender customer support? ...
Yes, I did. So far, we have not been able to find a solution
Good luck. I had issues with Aurender as well. My solution was finally to dump it in favor of a Bryston.

It's interesting how experiences with products such as Aurender and Bryston streamers can be so different, @mahler123. I suspect the explanation is similar to how users report different experiences with computers; after all, a streamer is just a computer. I'm a Windows and Linux user who expects to be able to resolve software problems myself, so the Linux-based Bryston suits me well. But some people prefer relatively closed systems, such as Apple products. For them, there's Aurender.

But my biggest complaint with Aurender was support. It's annoying to get tech "support" instructions that includes remedies they've aleady been told have been tried and failed. You just can't make people care and that was my experience with Aurender, again and again.

Audio is a hobby for me so it should be fun. I don't mind dealing with some issues - after all, I have tube components and play LPs - but problems should not be chronic. That's why I dumped the Aurender.

I've owned Bryston gear for decades. Support has always been first class.