Preamp Noise with High-Efficiency Speakers

I have Avantgarde Duo Classic Speakers, I hear a very audible buzzing noise whenever I insert an analog preamp. If I run my DAC (AMR DP-777) directly into power amp, the noise disappears. I have tried 4 different preamps (tube and SS), 3 different amps, a bunch of RCA and XLR interconnects, the problem persists. I have tried dedicated power line and two power conditioners (with Multi-wave options) and various high-quality power cords, so far nothing works, and I am forced to run DAC-direct into power amp. The buzz is not very loud but certainly audible enough to be annoying. There's no noise running the same equipment and power source into regular speakers, I am pretty sure it's just the Avantgarde (104dB sensitivity). Please share your solution if you have had similar situations. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii

No need to apologize George. I have found what works best for me in my system and am quite content. That happened to be an active pre in my case. Please do not take it upon yourself to put down what I have found to work best for me in my system.
But it should be noted that the passive preamp offered by Pass is no mere volume control. It is a buffer design that attempts to eliminate impedance issues that afflict many passive designs, IIRC.

I will also add my 2 cents:

Cent #1: I agree that attending to the gain structure of a system is a very important part of achieving system synergy. With speakers like the OP's, too much gain is likely to be an issue.

Cent #2: I have also never found a passive preamp that doesn't impact dynamics and oomph, compared to an active pre. Of course to get both the drive of an active and the level of detail of a passive you need to spend a good deal. So for some budgets you may need to choose one or the other. I found my perfect balance in the Musical Fidelity kW linestage.