Owning too many speakers

I have multiple sets of speakers that I own and listen to. I have a garage full (my listening space) of Thiel cs3.5, Klipsch Cornwall II's and Heresies, Carver AL-III, Dahlquist dq-10, Allied 2300c, vintage Infinity, B&w, Soundwave pointsource 3.0 - let alone the ones in other systems in the house and what I've sold over the last 12 months - I've bought none of these new (pawnshops, newspaper, garage sales, thrift stores,consignment) I've found every speaker has its own sound/characteristics (image, soundstage, accuracy) and depending on the day i enjoy listening to each. Are there others with this type of speaker interest?

Showing 1 response by bdgregory

I have 6 pairs of speakers that I consider relevant at this point, plus some cheapos. All are more or less in use in a separate system/room. I just bought 2 new pairs makes 8 so will need to sell one or 2 sets soon to make room. I too like the variety. 2 pairs are DIY, 2 pairs Totem (Sttaf, Mani-2), 2 pairs Von Schweikert (VR3, VR4-III), and my trusty vintage Infinty Montor IIa. oh, and plus Regas in the home theater.