Old Krell vs new Krell amps...

I actually have to choose between differents Krell amps, for roughly the same price :
a pair of Krell Audio Standard (KAS)
a Krell Evo 302
and for half the price a pair of KAS-2 amps

How do they compare, in terms of sound ?
The KAS is a legend, but is it actually still a good choice ? Its fiability is good ? The KAS is really better than the KAS-2 ?
And, what about the new Evo amps ? Are they better than the KAS or the FPB amps ?
My speakers are easy to drive : Tannoy GRF, but I may swap to big TAD or JBL...
I can't compare those amps directly because they are sold in different(and very far from each others) shops.
Thanks a lot for all informations and advices.
Best Regards,

Showing 1 response by fjmcsu

I have had the KAS's since they were released. They have been magnificent performers and only a month ago did one of the mono amps go up in smoke. Thus ~20years of conitnuous enjoyment. The amp is at the factory now for repair. I sent the other back about 2 years ago for repair. Otherwise they have been extrememly reliable for such high perfomance.