Noobie. Vinyl reissues. Am I expecting too much?

I'm a thrift shop/garage sale/flea market bottom feeder. Recently got involved with older then new reissues. First 45 album turned out to have manufacturing defects do returned it (MFSL Barber). Traded it for an ORG Diana Krall album (33) and a Cannonball Adderly 45 from AP.

The Diana Krall album has crackles on one side so I think it's going back too. The AP was great - after I cleaned it (quite oily fingerprint covered). I have had a number of OJC albums that are trouble free.

I guess my question is this - as I move up the food chain, should I expect audio improvement combined with manufacturing/packing issues? Am I expecting too much or just bad luck?

Showing 1 response by bjbcab

After being out of vinyl for 25 years I can understand how some my have trouble adapting to some of the imperfections of vinyl. Warping, noise and the occasional bad pressing. The only thing that really pisses me off is a when a company puts out a bad pressing where it appears that the entire run is defective (like the Radiohead Capital reissue). It would also be nice if the prices were a little cheaper. I would take a thinner record, as long as it was relatively flat and quality vinyl, if it would keep the price down. $20-$60 is kind of steep when you are trying to build a collection.