Nola Viper Owners, Lend Me Your Amps

Hey all, I've been trying to do this on my own without a whole lot of success. I even sent Nola an email about amplification and got no response. I guess Carl didn't want to come off as biased towards one product or another, and that's cool.

I have been going back and forth between tubes and solid state gear for my Nola Viper IIa's. I've heard all the claims that Nola/Alons sound best or are viced with tubes, but I see that they also require a good deal of power to sound their best. As a result, I have been strongly considering the tube preamp, solid state power amp combo.

I'd like to know a couple of things; if I go tube power amp, how much tube power is required for the Nolas. If I go solid state can say, 125 watts do the job? Also, what are you guys using, all tubes, tube/ss combo, all solid state, and why?

For some info, I listen to all types of music, but I am a huge fusion fan where I listen to Jean Luc Ponty, Al Di Meola, Stanley Clarke and the like, so the music is hard driving and dynamic a lot of the time. However, I like my vocals too, both male and female, so the midrange has to be up to snuff as well.

Amps I've considered so far: Rogue, Dehavilland, Primaluna, Musical fidelity, McCormack, McIntosh, Primare and Emotiva. The only one that I have not heard is Primaluna.

Budget? I'm really trying to buy used but I will cough up the new price dough if there is a piece of gear that I decide that I have to have.

Thanks for looking and I look forward to responses.

Showing 7 responses by hawk28

Its been 4 years since I started this thread. Im updating to inform that I have a de Havilland Ultraverve 3 pre and McIntosh mc7150, good for 150 watts per channel. I can honestly say that this is the best that I've heard mysystem. I wont be cchanging either amp any time soon.
Thanks for your responses. Pubul, didn't really know that Carl used Audio Research exclusively at shows, but thats good to know.

FJN, I have started to explore Pathos, thanks for the tip.

Willie, you've got a lot of experience with a lot of equipment. Is the tube pre ss power your favorite combo?
Very helpful thoughts, guys. The Nola Vipers are not very sensitive (86db) I believe, so I know I need some current to push them. If 60 tube watts is all I need to properly drive them, then I will begin concentrating on some tube integrateds, or lower powered tube power amps.
Carl sent me an email and stated that 55 watts or so, should be good for average listening in a medium size room. However, if I want to crank it up, 100 watts are preferred. I would err to the side of having too much than too little.
Prince, I thanks for the info. I have been looking at VTL as well. I will have to limit my choices, though, as we all know there are so many options out there. It can drive you crazy!
Thanks for your response, Prince. Its been a while since I've been to the site and just saw this. Im a little surprised with 30 watts being sufficient, but based on what you've owned you seem to be well versed with the Alon/Nola sound and what makes them sound their best.
Has anyone ever heard/tried the Manley gear with Alon/Nola speakers? Please share your thoughts.