New reviewing home for 2020 Stereo Times

Just wanted to share that I'll be reviewing for the website Stereo Times starting in January.  It is my pleasure to join this website and review for owner/chief-in-staff Clement Perry.  I will be part of the "Chicago" chapter of Stereo Times staff working with my to dear friends Dave Thomas and Micheal Wright, who also live in the "Windy City" area.

My first review(s) will be on the superlative 4 generation Coda Technologies 07x preamplifier and the brand new #16.0 amplifier that uses the latest discovers regarding parts and modifications in the power supply that were discovered in the model # 8 amplifier that I reviewed in the past and was great in its own right.  I have a hunch the new #16.0 will be a killer piece.  

So, if you enjoy my reviews, I hope you will look forward to the upcoming reviews I'll be writing for Stereo Times this coming year. 

Happy holiday session to you all!


Showing 1 response by charles1dad

Hello Terry,
I’ve been a pretty regular reader of the 6 Moons site for some years and I’ve notice some degree of reviewer turnover including some I really enjoyed. I was happy when you joined their reviwing staff. Alas,  it apparently wasn’t meant to be. I wish you a long, productive and successful tenure with Stereo Times.