My personal experience with Direct Drive versus Belt Drive

This is my personal , yet limited experience, with a DD versus Belt Drive. This A/B took place in the same system. with literally the same tonearm. I am choosing not to mention brands at this point. I feel by keeping the brand out of the discussion, anyone who contributes to the the thread (myself included), can be a bit more forthcoming. I am not big on audiophile jargon, so I will keep this short and sweet. I started with DD, in a system which I was very familiar with. The room of course, was different. The DD struck me as near perfect. I could hear the starting and stopping on a dime, and the near perfect timing that many have associated with the DD.  It didn't take long at all for me to conclude this was not my cup of tea. It satisfied my brain, but didn't move my heart. Maybe I was used to the imperfect sound of belt drives, and it was indeed that imperfection, that made for an emotional experience. Who knows? (-: Fast forward to the belt drive.... Again, same actual arm. It sounded more analog to me. Decay was much more easy to hear, along with subtle spatial cues. Was it the less than perfect timing, that was allowing me to now hear these things I could not with the DD?  I have no clue! What I was sure about was the emotion of the music had returned.

Showing 4 responses by pryso


You say the arm was the same but the room was different.  So can we conclude the arm was the only common component?

Were the speakers and cartridges also different?

It was nice if you feel this answered your own question but I fail to see how it has meaning for anyone else.  We know individuals have different tastes and some do prefer BD while others are more satisfied by DD.

jolly, one of my audio buddies had a VPI table (possibly a Scout, I'm not certain) and he added the Teres rim drive motor.  He was experienced with both components and music and found it to be a significant improvement.

enginedr, for the sound from the component itself, in this case the SP-10 Mk 2, perhaps something like the "drain system" described by Albert Porter for his Technics might be beneficial?
Porter mod: no, not attached to the plinth per say.  Instead the thrust plate is connected to a cast iron plate to sink vibrations.  That is enclosed at the bottom of the plinth.

Peter, it appears your new Denon is mounted in an open frame plinth.  This seems contrary to most current designs with solid plinths of varying thicknesses.  Care to comment on why you decided to build it this way?

Lew, applying talcum to a belt drive to assist friction is a pretty old concept.  I believe AR suggested that back in the '60s, and perhaps others.