Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.


Showing 16 responses by nonoise

@ghasley None taken. I took a quick look at mean, median and mode to refresh my memory and still misunderstood some of it with the examples given (there were no large outliers in the comparison) and the results were all close to each other. 

All the best,

Deceptive to use average pay. Median is 46K.

It’s not at all deceptive to use average as a result. It’s just another way of looking at it depending on point of view. Median only gives the middle point of the range which can be horribly skewed due to outliers.

Let’s say there are 10 guys in a bar and the "average" income of them is $40K/yr. Then someone like Bill Gates walks into the bar and has a drink with them. The average pay of those guys would be in the multiples of millions no matter if you use mean, median or mode.

And when they say household income, don’t forget that in most cases in America, both spouses are working, which would halve the value.

All the best,

Whatever happened to dispassionately reading something and taking away from it something of value?

No doubt he enjoyed the royalties as anyone rightly would. They helped to keep him going, getting out his message, and probably feathered his nest egg some. 

I seriously doubt anyone is a pure anything nowadays and just an amalgam of various disciplines. Take economist Richard Wolff for instance. An American economist of good standing with Marxist underpinnings who believes in a better form of capitalism for all. 

I always hated pigeonholing people. 

All the best,

What Zinn fails to take into account adequately is the gradually rising levels of prosperity, and longevity, for the average American citizen and the benefits that other countries too have achieved by constructive partnering w the U.S. ... Why would he? He’d have to then acknowledge the superiority of capitalism over his obvious Marxist bent.

American longevity has gone up for those making over $400,000 a year and has gone down for those making under. We’ve had the largest drop in life expectancy since the 1920s.

As for calling Zinn a Marxist, they don’t quite see it that way:

All the best,

Only jerry can take three very short responses to some long winded BS and claim they're pontificating. He never complains about politics he agrees with; only those that he disagrees with and therein lies the rub. Hypocrisy, thy name is jerry. 

All the best,

Just have to love jerry's way of acknowledging my outing his lame attempts to keep getting back at me. Ever notice how he gets more juvenile the angier he gets? 

As for outliving me, you'll have to stop working on that second big one that's sure to happen if you keep it up (but you just can't help yourself, can't you?)

All the best,

And right on cue, good ol’ jerry shows up and singles me out (with what he thinks is his clever use of the word "noise") despite all the previous posts. He just can’t help himself and seems to have an unusual attraction to that poop emoji.

He’s gonna take that grudge with him to his grave.

All the best,

Sounds like fpomposo drank more than his fair share of the Kool-Aid. 
Maybe he boofs it as well.

What brings on these moments of patriotic introspection anyway? I'm secure enough in my beliefs to practice it instinctively, without a thought as to how to divide a community.

All the best,