Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!

Showing 9 responses by hgeifman

The new Accuphase E-360 integrated is rated at 100 wpc into 8 ohms and only 140 wpc into 4 ohms. I expected 200 wpc into 4 ohms. Am I missing something? Is the E-360 fully balanced? I see that it has two balanced inputs. The unit looked very interesting until I saw the price. Can someone confirm its $10,000 price? As noted above, this is also too expensive for me.

I believe the Luxman L-550xa class A is $5,400 and the Luxman 590AII Class A is about $10,000 (?). Routeman21 above did not specify a price range but it looks like the Accuphase products are more expensive than Luxman. Any comments on the Luxman A/B integrated amplifiers?

I have not auditioned the Accuphase but the posts above imply it sounds better than the Luxman. Any comments on this?

Does Accuphase make a good sounding fully balanced less expensive integrated amplifier?
Yes, Luxman products are for sale in the US. The distributor for Luxman is On Higher Note

Their Mailing Address:

On a Higher Note, LLC
P.O. Box 698
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693

phone 1-949-488-3004
Routeman21: Have you made a decision on purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase integrated amp? Are you looking at Class A or Class A/B integrated amps? What models are you considering?

I contacted my local Accuphase retailer and he ONLY carries Accuphase Class A amps and does not carry the E360 or the E-250 (these are still expensive for me). The Accuphase Class A amps are $15,000+ and that is over my budget. The local Luxman retailer suggested I come in for a demo of the Luxman L-550ax using my Sonus Faber Auditor M speakers and I plan to this Friday. I am not convinced I want to sell my Ayre AX-7e amp but it should be interesting to listen to the Luxman unit. Since I need two balanced inputs, I will need to consider the Luxman L-590ax (or L-590a II) since it has two balanced inputs. They had a pre-owned Luxman L-590a II but it sold before I could get there. If I made a change, most likely, I would buy a pre-owned model at a lower price.

I am on the fence and cannot decide if the Luxman Class A amps would be a huge improvement over my Ayre amp. I want to audition an Accuphase so I need to look for another Accuphase retailer. Hopefully, the Luxman demo on Friday will help me decide.
Paul: As recommended above, I listened to the Luxman L-550ax integrated using my Sonus Faber Auditor M speakers and my Ayre CX-7eMP CD player. My immediate response was that the Luxman amp sounded much better than my Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp. I was very surprised and shocked since I was not expecting to hear this much difference. I heard more detail, the voices were clearer and it sounded great. We played voices, classical and jazz from six CD's. After listening for a while, we switched out the Luxman for my Ayre AX-7e integrated amp. Wow, what a difference. I immediately noticed that with the Ayre the music was not as clear, not as open and it sounded dull. We then switched back to the Luxman. We again listened to the same CD's and the same tracks to ensure I was hearing the same musical source. It is hard for me to describe sound but the music sounded much better with the Luxman then my Ayre. Everyone hears different things but I heard a clarity, musical detail and openness that I did not hear with my Ayre amp.

My retailer did not have a Luxman L-590ax amp in stock so we talked about it instead of the L-550ax. Of course, he said it would be much better than the L-550ax but it costs $10,500 and that is too expensive for me. I am sure the L-590ax would be another level of sound improvement but it is out of my price range.

I guess the question is what am I going to do. I was very impressed with the Luxman L-550ax integrated amp. I was concerned about its 20 wpc rating but the retailer said to forget the wattage rating. During listening, I increased the sound volume and we never entered the red zone on the amp. It was loud (very) and still sounded very good. I am going to think about it for while and then make a decision. My gut reaction suggests I am going to buy the Luxman L-550ax amp.
I changed my mind. After I ordered the Luxman L-550ax, I kept thinking about the Luxman L-590ax. I reviewed various comments on the Internet and kept thinking about the L-590ax. It makes no sense to buy the L-550ax and want to buy the L-590ax.

After thinking about it for several days, I cancelled my order for the Luxman L-550ax and ordered the Luxman L-590ax. This should be my last amp for a while.

I am hoping to get delivery sometime next week. I will keep you posted.
I picked up my Luxman L-590ax integrated amplifier yesterday from Music Lovers Audio (Retailer). This amp is very heavy and the box is huge (doubled boxed). My neighbor helped me move it from my car to my shelf. The hook up was easy and Music Lovers Audio helped me with some setup questions that they easily answered on the phone.

As I expected, the first several hours, it sounded like it needed more burn in time. It is sounding much better now and I am sure it still needs more burn in time. And, yes, it does get warm to touch.

It is hard for me to describe how it sounds. It seems the music is fuller, with more detail and with better bass control. It seems I am hearing more things than I did with the Ayre AX-7e amp The mid range is outstanding. Okay, I know it still needs more burn in time. I do not understand but it seems classical music sounds better on the Luxman than the Ayre. The music is clearer, more airy and easier to listen to. Overall, the new amplifier sounds very good in my system (more break in time is required). I plan on doing more listening today.

My source is the Ayre CX-7e MP CD player running balanced (Harmonic Technology Magic Link Two interconnect XLR cable) into the Luxman amp connected (Synergistic Research TESLA Quad Speaker Cable) to the Sonus Faber Audio M Speakers on Sonus Faber stands.
The original question was for information on Luxman vs. Accuphase. I received the information below from the US Luxman distributor, On Higher Note, about the company, Luxman.

"Luxman is located in Yokohama, Japan - where they design all the products. They have four factories where they assemble the gear. All of the resistors in the audio chain are custom made especially for Luxman to their exact specifications. Sales & Engineering is approximately 40 employees. In the L-590ax amplifier, all of the parts are Japan sourced. Luxman is owned by IAG out of Taiwan, but they pretty much leave Luxman to sort everything out themselves. They do not tell Luxman what to make, nor how to make it. The domestic market is still 90% of Luxman's business".
I own the Luxman 590ax integrated amp and like it very much. I was not able to compare it to Accuphase since my local dealer had no demo models for me to hear.

I really like the warmth of the class A Luxman using my Sonus Faber Monitor M speakers. The Luxman drives the speakers with no problems in my large listening area. Of course, you have to listen to both models but I encourage you to listen to the Luxman Class A models (550ax and 590ax).
Murgeshj: My Luxman 590ax sounded good when I first started playing it. However, it really sounded great after about a month of daily playing time.

I am using the Apple MAC Book Pro Computer, a LaCie external hard drive, the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC and the Sonus Faber Olympica II Speakers. This Luxman Class A amplifier drives the SF Olympic II speakers to loud levels in my living room. The Luxman L-590ax is fully balanced and I am using Harmonic Technology Magic Link Two Interconnect Cable balanced cables from the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC to the Luxman. My local retailer has suggested I replace my Harmonic Technology IC with another cable so I am thinking about it.

The Luxman amplifier is very heavy and the box is huge (doubled boxed). And, yes, it does get warm to touch but the heat is not a problem. It does need plenty of open air around it.

It is hard for me to describe how it sounds. For me, the music is fuller, with more detail and better bass control. It seems I am hearing more things than I did with my Ayre AX-7e amplifier. The mid range is outstanding. I do not understand but it seems classical music sounds much better on the Luxman than the Ayre. The music is clearer, more airy and easier to listen to. Overall, the new amplifier sounds excellent in my system. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, country and new age.

I have owned the Luxman since May 2012 and I like it very much. I have stopped looking at other integrated amplifiers since the Luxman 590ax sounds excellent. As you know, the Luxman is a class A amplifier and I really like class A sound. In summary, I highly recommend the Luxman 590ax amp.

I encourage you to listen to the amplifier and see what you think. If possible, you should try it in your own system.

Do you have any more questions?