Luxman 590AX II Break-In

Hello all, and happy holidays,

To those with experience, how many hours of a break-in are necessary to make the Luxman sing? I have about 175 hours, and my bass is less than stellar. Also, there is not a luscious midrange (yet). I have read epic reviews but have not experienced that thus far. What should I expect over time? Getting a little worried!



Showing 5 responses by celtic66

Wow!  A 40 kilo DAC.  Cool.  I run the Luxman 509X on some demanding ATC 20s and it is still breaking in after 100 hours.  I can read, you are beyond that.  

Your pieces are in order.  Cabling and power conditioning not mentioned.  One can only assume all of that is commensurate quality.  That leaves more break in and room treatment.

Hope you successfully resolve all issues.

What speaker cables?  I ask because my Class A 30wpc Sugden A21SE (older version) is very cable dependent.  It took some real experimenting to get something right.  Finally settled on Decware Silver Stix.  Duelund also worked.  All others lacked bass and the midrange was thin.  Kind of lifeless.  Best of luck.

I refuse to give up on the Luxman.  I know it's not rational, but I've never owned a Luxman I didn't like.   I run the 509X and the system (with new monitors) is coming along.  Just assembled a Quadraspire SVT2 equipment stand this afternoon, placed everything on it and wham!!  Not subtle.  I mean wham!!

All of what you describe is's there.  Just my experience.  Your mileage may vary.  Best wishes on your quest.

Echo Audio Portland, OR is big into the KEF line AND they recently sold me their Luxman 509X and they are really smart.  Surely some valid constructive insight there.  Phone 888.248.ECHO (3246) or 503.223.2292  /  Email [email protected]

Perhaps SS Luxman Class A is not their thing.  I've only run Sugden Class A and it was a bit bass shy, but not what you describe, the midrange was in order.  As mentioned before, my Luxman 509X is a beast, but then 120wpc Class A/B.

It drives ATC SCM20PSL monitors which regularly torture amps.  They play well together.  Hope you figure this out to complete satisfaction.