Listening habits and LP storage

Does your LP storage scheme affect your listening habits?

The majority of my albums are in the basement while my system is on the ground floor. I keep about 30-40 albums near the system (so that they don't overtake the room).

I find that when I listen, I'm picking from the nearby albums instead of my entire collection. I also have lots of new albums that need to be cleaned before I'll listen to them and I'm not getting to those very quickly at all (although I keep buying them :-)).

I'm not at all frustrated by this - if I was I'd be motivated to get up off my rear and rotate the selection near my system. Rather, I find myself content as I put something on and get swept up in the music.

How about you?
My LP's are stored in two-tiered cabinets much like you find records in at any of the record stores only they're furniture grade wood with a nice cherry finish. This way the albums face front and you can flip through them easily. Each one holds 500 LP's. They're in my living room where my stereo system is. The room is mostly used for music listening as we have a large family room downstairs where the home theater is. I keep a printout created on Excel of all my records with the cabinets, they're in genre order and listed alphabetically under each genre, which is how the LP's are stored, so I can also just look at the list to see what I might want to pull out for a listening session. You can see the storage cabinets on my audiogon page under "Ever Evolving" system.
My records are stored in floor to ceiling shelving units in a room next to the listening room. I tend to pull out a handful of records at a time based on what I think I will want to hear, which then get scatterred around the room until I eventually take them all out for reshelving. I decided to put the LPs in another room out of concern for possible dust or mold exposure if I was in the same room as the records. I don't know if that is really a problem or not, but the present arrangement has generally worked well.
I live in Arizona where the temps rise to 100 plus degrees. I have been here for 4 years now....I store my records in the un airconditioned garage. I store them upright on shelves with the spines out so that I can pick and choose what I want to hear. I just don't experience warps at all....I know that's hard to believe, but there you have it.
Jazzcourier, it is hard to find good help these days. My preference, before the downturn, was to use a hand wound Victrola. FWIW, there is a book called "Lost New York" which has pictures of elegant old buildings that have long since been razed. In one, showing an earlier incarnation of the Waldorf Astoria, the book depicts a room done with Persian rugs, samovars, and hookahs. As I recall the description of the picture, it was the 'Turkish smoking room w/ boy assistant.'
I think the Titanic was similarly equipped.
I've lived in earthquake country most of my life. The chance of something big enough to rock my records in their racks is very remote. My records are stored in what are book cases turned on their sides. Look nice and allow me to get to my collection from where I listen. No worries.
If I lived in earthquake territory,I probably wouldn't notice much difference after a big quake. Records are everywhere, except where there are turntables, which are everywhere else.
I have limited I am constantly removing and replentishing my collection...I buy about a half dozen or dozen used lps a week...with about a capacity for approx 1,000 lps in my shelf system when full...I trade or give away stuff to friends every 6 months...if I enjoy at least 50%....usually one side...I tend to keep lps...I also randomly grab a stack now and then to keep things fresh...but everybody has faves....
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Madfloyd, unlike most of the other responders here, I am like you, with my system and maybe 80 LP's on the ground floor with my collection in the basement. So I do have a 'heavy rotation' section going. I try to rotate LP's at least on a monthly basis. Sometimes I am more successful than others, depending on how hectic life is.
Some of my LPs are on shelves in the listening room, but the majority are on shelves in a room down the hall. I tend to pull several at a time for a listening session, then re-shelve.
My records are on the same floor as my system, but they are not well-organized, and yes, there is always the temptation to play what you know, rather than explore new things. I was sorta 'off' audio for a while, but am now back, with a vengence. I decided that, during every listening session, I would pull out several records I never listened to, or hadn't listened to in a long time. I now go through the selection, when I can, before a listening session- because, for some reason, my mind just goes blank while i am 'in session', or i get a sudden impulse to find X (knowing I have X somewhere in the rows of around 10,000 records), but never, ever, can I find the thing I'm looking for at the moment I want to hear it. (Of course, the next time I go into the room, that record just magically pops into my hand). Anyway, the moral of the story here is- pull the selections out in advance, even if you 'over -select' and don't wind up listening to all of them at the time. And, force yourself to try something you haven't listened to. (I did pull out that older audiophile reissue of Dusty in Memphis last night but after playing half the first track, pulled it off the turntable, because I remember why I hadn't listened to it in a while- it was a mediocre recording, made worse by the remastering. I gather the latest effort is better).
I also have gotten away from alot of those audiophile records- they actually don't sound that good- and many of the heavy vinyl reissues are actually crappy pressings. It's amazing what's on the grooves of the garden variety vinyl that was sold at normal retail prices (let alone cut-outs) in the 60-70's.
I do plan to organize stuff when I move, but there seems to be little point right now.
This is all handled by "staff".First there is the valet who will usher me into the listening room and supply me with with a recent list of purchases by my international "team" of seasoned phonograph record shoppers.During this time the support tech team will be turning on amps, cleaning the styli,checking all connections and any bias that might need be done.When they are finished they will place the preamp remote control on a velvet pillow within easy reach.
Selecting the titles from the hundreds that arrive daily from around the world can be a little tedious.Might be time for a massage or foot rub to relieve the anxiety.
Having made my selections the librarian will wheel them into the room on a tea cart purchased at great expense at the the Kennedy auction in New York City.Sometimes you simply have to have the right tool for the job.At this point the valet will return and help me into one of Duke Ellington's old smoking jackets.I find this warm and comfy, especially the upper inside pocket that holds a yet unrecorded Ellington composition from the 1920's.
Having had a bit of a "downturn" in my recent investments i have been using the person who has the job of re filing the records as the "record dropper".The job of the "record dropper" is to put the record on and carefully "drop" the stylus into the groove.I know,i can hear you now...."ouch" easy there......Relax friends,this person is an internationally known heart surgeon,and it was only after innumerable transplants that i felt him worthy of the task.The rest gets rather boring,but rest assured my little ritual of storage and play works well for me.I'm sorry,what was the question?
Records upstairs on shelves or banker boxes, about 50 down by the main system turntable, usually new purchases. Every month or so I go up and pick about 10 older albums to play, bring them down, and they stay there for a couple of months till its their turn to go back up. About 10 albums are always near the table, cause I like them best at the time.
Records in the room lining both sides. Easy access to complete collection. Play whatever record I'm in the mood for or new vinyl. I have friends over often to listen to music and fire up the vap, dig out records I haven't heard in ages works out nicely
I clean my records mainly Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Sunday. Tuesday/Thursday and Saturday I think about the cleaning fluids to use. There are so many fluids out there it is confusing me which one to choose. It is horrible, I have fluids which work with 1-Step and I have multiple-step fluids and I spend much time to find out what is best, using 3x the 1-step fluid or using 1x the 3-step fluid or using 2x the 3-step fluid or 6x the 1-step fluid...
I bought a CD Player.
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My record room is on the same floor as my sound room and not that far away.

I have, like probably everyone else, several LP's that I use for reference and/or just really like.

It really depends on my mood and what I want to listen to at that particular point in time as to what I'll "pull" from my collection.

I try to clean all my new LP's in a timely manner so that I can listen to them.