Life beyond Jolida?

I have owned a 302b for a little over a year now and, having tube swapped out to achieve "as good as it gets" results with this stock unit, I am considering where to look next to improve detail, dynamic range and imaging. My qualifications for an upgraded tube integrated amp are:
- made in the USA
- all tube integrated design (Rogue, cj, Cary etc)
- minimum 40 WPC (driving Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs)

My local dealer is arranging for me to home audition a Rogue Cronus in the near future. I have listened to the now discontinued cj CAV50 and liked what I heard, but not through my own speakers/home.

What upgrade paths have other Jolida (or other entry level tube)owners taken in their journey up tube alley? What are your suggestions for high quality tube integrated amps?

Cheers and Happy New Year

Showing 1 response by restock

Steve, I owned the Jolida 302b amp as well and went towards SET and more efficient speakers.

Before you upgrade: What tubes are you currently using? I did have significant improvements tube rolling. Otherwise I think you have to spend significantly more to improve on the Jolida.

Anyway, some things I considered before going the low power route:

AES Sixpacs
Quicksilver Monos
Rogue Audio

and I heard this one recently

Almarro A318B SEP amp - 18 Watts but incredible sound driving a pair of GMA Callistos which are a bit more sensitive than your Vandersteens though.

With best wishes,
