Life after DarTZeel

I would like to hear from ppl who have had and SOLD DarTZeel amp.

I'm asking ppl who have already sold this amp, since very often, when we still have the stuff, we either do not want to admit its shortcomings, or just don't hear them. It is only after buying sth new, we discover what part of the performance could have been improved upon.

So what was your next amp ?
What qualities your next amp exhibits that DarT lacks ?

Showing 1 response by bkonig

Mtdking mentions that he is pleased going from the dart to the Levinson 33H. I brought the Dartzeel to a customers home and compared it directly to his 33H's on his Sonus Faber Strads. The dart was superior in every way and the improvements were not subtle. My customer moved to the dart combo and has been thrilled ever since. Funny how peoples opinions differ greatly.
Dartzeel dealer