Is the Musical Fidelity Nu-vista M3 outdated

I've always wanted a Musical Fidelity Nu-vista M3 integrated amp ever since Michael Fremer's review, and I was wondering if these still hold there own or if I would be better off with something newer. They would be driving Scorpio II. Opinions please.

Showing 1 response by tls49

Sometimes newer is not always better. I started with a MF XA-100r, one of the original X-series, and loved it. Then acquired an A3, pretty much the same sound, but conventional size. Next was an A308, a definite step up in sound. Then I tried an A5, and was disappointed. Newer, more power than the A308, but didn't sound as good, so I went back to the A308, and still use it. The A308, like the M3 were built in England, with the A5 and later being built in Taiwan. Currently, only the top models are built in England. Absolutely, go for it!!