Is agency approval requred for all equipt

Just wondering as I have seen/owned many items which are not stamped w/ agency approvals (UL / CE etc.). This includes electronics (amps / preamps / digital) and cables (power in particular). Seems like some of the "boutique" companies do not always have agency markings. And if the equipment is not agency reveiwed / approved, is this risky for the consumer. I also wonder what liability (if any) the manufacturer holds if a fire or problem would occur. Just wondering...

Showing 1 response by magfan

I'll bet it costs a bundle to get a UL cert....or the equivalent from Canada or Europe.
That alone should preclude some small production / boutique brands from getting such.

I DO think it should be illegal to not serialize equipment thru a unique number.
The build sheet for a particular piece or batch will list sources of parts and such so if a defect is found ( HEY, those caps I sold you? no good!) gear can be tracked down and either fixed or replaced.