iPod help needed...

I recently picked up a 40G iPod and am in the process of importing some cd's of mine.

I am using the Apple lossless compression, thinking that would give me the best, near cd quality sound for playback.

Am I correct in using this choice?

Also, if my calculations are somewhat accurate it seems this compression will only allow for about 100 or 110 cd's of music. Yes, that is perhaps 1,500 to 1,700 songs, however that is a FAR cry from 70,000 songs as advertised.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by gunbei


From the threads I've read on this subject that's probably the compression scheme I'd start when I get my iPod. It seems many people feel that for the space it saves the Apple Lossless sounds great. I've heard some say they can't tell the difference between it and uncompressed.

Here are some threads I found helpful:


