I need a new system.

Please help. I am new to AudiogonN so I apologize if I should have found my answer by some other method.
We had water damage to our home and I lost all of my equipment. I had been so satisfied with the performance that I am unfamiliar with anything current. Can you suggest comparable replacements?
I had ADS L-710 Speakers, Yamaha R-9 Receiver (class A amp, 3 independent sets of speakers), Nakamichi OMS-7 CD Player, (Nakamichi BX-125 Tape Deck, and Kenwood KX-1030 Tape Deck. Since tape seems to be almost obsolete, I may not replace, but I am open to suggestions.) Also we have a recent Panasonic 42" Plazma TH-42PZ80U that may be integrated. Thanks for your help.
PS, if this thread belongs in a different forum, please suggest how I move it to the appropriate location. Thanks again.

Showing 1 response by rich3549

FYI...if you have homeowners or renters insurance - they should pay for the damaged equipment. If the policy has "replacement value" they will pay for comparable items. If it is "actual cash value" equipment, they will only pay for the depreciated amount only.

Best of luck.