How many tube watts for Vandersteen 2's?

In an 8 x 12 room for jazz, female vocalists at moderate volumes how many watts? Is a VTL IT-85 enough, I'm using a YBA Integre right now and it seems okay but I would like to try tubes

Showing 7 responses by banquo363

Well, I just bought a RM-10. So, I'll see very soon whether 35 tube watts can drive the vandies in a sizable room. Fingers crossed. Will report back.
Believe it or not, the best I've heard Vandersteen 2s (and I've heard them a lot) was with a 35 watt Music Reference RM10...

This is really good to know since I've been itching to get the rm10 but was worried about it driving my Vandys 2ce sigs. Think they'd do fine in a larger room, 20x35 at moderate sound levels? [Sorry to distract from the original question.] rm9's are hard to come by.
Buy one used, you'll sell it in a few hours if it doesn't work for you in your room - only you can tell.

That's the problem with trying to find a used RM10--they vanish before I can even see them. Happened just yesterday. Didn't even get to see the price.

I think Richard recommends 40 watts min with the 2s

He does and that's what prompted my concern. But Trelja's observations pushes me over the edge. The smallest Atma-sphere S-30 would probably do well as well? But those seem to be even rarer than the RM10's.

To the original poster: there's an upgraded RM200 for sale right now (no relation to me) at 40 watts. Too spendy for me, but might work for you.
Thanks Pubul57. Good to know since I would have bought them had they shown up at a decent price. the M60's generate too much heat, I've read. I live basically in the desert, so no go.
Gotta stop checking this thread or else my credit card is going to get dinged. Website lists at $1950. I'm not sure I want to find out whether the sale price is still good, but...
Full day of listening to my newly acquired RM-10. I had it light loaded on the 4ohm tap for the 7ohm rated 2ce sigs. After 4 hours like that and being rather unimpressed by the sound I was getting, I used the 8ohm tap. Far superior in my set up. Sound opened up and more dynamic. I'm not drawing any conclusions obviously but I'm not too anxious to go back to the 4ohm setting either. With my LSA passive preamp at 2-3 o'clock the amp had plenty of juice for the Vandersteens in my sizeable room. The bass is surprisingly tight and full. Any edginess and brightness that I used to have with my ss amp is pretty much gone.
I listen to records 95% of the time and didn't even think to use my CD player with the rm10--until today. To answer the leading question of this thread: the 35 watts of this amp is more than sufficient for Vandersteens in a sizeable room. I have my passive preamp at 10 o'clock and I can't imagine wanting it any louder--or better. A Love Supreme never sounded better on my system. Earlier I was listening to the the Bob Ludwig remaster of Leonard Cohen songs and was moved beyond reason. These CD's have always sounded good but good grief I was in for a pleasant surprise. I had the privilege of hearing Cohen live a few years back in LA, and I don't hesitate to say that the emotional connection I had listening today was nearly equivalent to that live performance.

I am surprised by this as, to be honest, I've been somewhat disappointed with my vinyl playback with this amp. There are a lot of changes going on in my vinyl rig so I'm not drawing any conclusions.

At any rate, if my cheapie CD player can produce this sound then maybe I won't continue dumping untold dollars into vinyl. Or: I'll just blame the phono stage and continue on.