How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!

I really love my stereo currently. I keep thinking I should be looking for the next piece to upgrade - phono stage, stereo subs, etc., but honestly not sure what to change or why I’d potentially spend more money to achieve a result that’s lesser or equal to my current sound quality. I sorta feel clueless as to how to proceed without screwing up what I have. I know it can get better but honestly I’m at a place when I just don’t know how it can. Hmmmmm.... not a bad problem I guess. Open to suggestions for sure. Thx.

Showing 4 responses by hombre

be happy with the system you've got. I am. (OPPO brp,Schiit Vidar amp, maggie LRS speakers, B&W powered sub). If you can't resist the compulsion to spend more money, donate to the charity of your choice once in a while. You'll have a lot less explaining to do when you go to meet your maker. My entire system cost about 2500. "Audiophiles don't listen to music on their equipment,they listen to their equipment with music".
No, most charities are not thieves.You tell yourself that in order to excuse yourself from donating. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Do some research and learn something. And I can assure you that my glass is at least as transparent as yours.
"When in doubt do nothing". Somebody important once said that but I don't remember who.  Also Albert Einstein said " the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". 
 Now I don't know what either of these has to do with anything here but they sounded pretty impressive to me. I think that at some point you just have to be happy with what you've got. If I won a lotto I'd keep my current stereo system and start shopping for a new BMW M3. With cars there's a significant demonstrable difference between a new civic(which I own) and the aforementioned Bimmer. With stereo amplifiers, not so much.
it was the rule that I followed which was listening to different and varied voices that finally brought me to my present status and the place where I want to be.

If we could live our lives over again we wouldn't make the same mistakes again. We'd make different ones.