How could High End audio be improved?

I have read alot here about many of the complaints about where High-End audio is going, and maybe it's dying, and stuff like that. Are the prices getting too high, or is the hype out of control, or is there too much confusion, or are there too many products, or obsolescence happening too fast, or new formats confusing things, or Home Theater taking over, or what?

What do you think are the main problems in the High End, and what would solve them? What will it take to get some vitality back in this industry?

Showing 2 responses by 6chac

Damn it, I want to be the God!!

(fade in: distant approaching female voice)

"Yea, Ma, OK."

"Now give Johhny back his Tonka."

"OK, OK, here, take it. I was just kiddin anyways..."

Mea culpa, toss away...

"The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection.
The water has no mind to receive their images."

Somebody does not understand his own quote. You, the bamboo stick does not belong to you.
Hello Detlof, how are you? How is the trip to Africa? Hope you have had a pleasant trip.

Before you read further, I'd to say that, I have always respect you as an elder to me, a highly respected human being. You Sir., have asked the questions. If there are questions, there are answers, be answered...

Look around, see who is your friend? Look down an compare the two quotes: One is yours, One is your so called "friend". Your friend contradicted himself all over, You and all.

"As good old Carl Gustav said, there just ain't no truth, which cannot be turned upside down and stood in its head."

"If one has to look it up from someone else, or decry thinking and dialogue, itself part of the "what is", then he probably doesn't know."
