help-synerg. research tesla IC feedback

demo'ing a bunch of interconnects, au 24, au24e, cardas gr, and sr tesla accelerator----no problem with any but when i kick in the active shield on the accelerators i get a lot of feedback into my sf cremonas via mac am and pre-pro-----any thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by slvrtravel

sorry- should have mentioned the IC goes from vpi scout turntable to mac mx135----thanks-
jumpin jehosephat ted!!!!!!just happen to be demo'ing the t2 on my mac prepro w/ the t3 on my mac amp and the tricon on my tt and prec. ref sp cables-----per your thought above, switched out the t2 from the prepro over to the vpi scout with dyna 20x and went back to stock mac cable on the prepro---dexter gordon literally jumped off my tt into the room ---doubles the attack, increased soundfield and presence, popped the midrange---really amazing