Help-Line in my RPTV-need conditioner for HT


I have been getting green/red/blue lines in my RPTV even though I just had dedicated lines put in. I am sure the dirty power is effecting my Tivo, DVD, and Receiver too. Please give advice as to what is the best solution to get me cleaned up.

Thanks in advance.

Pioneer Elite HD730
B&K 507
Phillips Tivo
Hitachi VCR
Sony 300 disc
MOdwright Denon 3910

Showing 10 responses by 711smilin

Tvad, you are funny, no excuse here for purchase. I have an elite HD530 in my bedroom, same 127v current, no lines. My HT room is on the same level of my utlily room, and next to the utlilty rom in the garage. I think it is in the lines. I have also had the techs over from tweeter to calibrate, and check the set out. Now, may be they are lying to me(I hope not)OK, maybe it is a minor excuse. I am searching.....HELP
Tvad, I also get lines on DVD. I tried all of the above. I also had a dedicated line put in. Direct to the wall is the worst. My modded powervar is better, most of the time, but, I hate the lines whenever I see them. I can P/U a BPT 3.5 sig for a good deal, but wanna make sure before the hassle, it will work. Thanks for the suggestions.
I tried 4 regular outlets and 2 recently dedicated,(no improvement) I do find some improvement with the powervar, but there are still times I get the frigging lines, plus I can tell my picture gets sucky at times. By this I meen the saturation of colors on my screen seem real hazy, non dimensional. I know this TV should have a great picture, and I want it to run at it's best. No, I am not rich, but I just bought a BPT 3.5 sig off audiogon (reasonable)and hope that solves this issue, along with making both my systems sound better. I get impatient, yaknow.
Guys, It's gotta be my power cause about 85% is fixed with the powervar. I gotta believe a great conditioner would fix the rest.

Are your components and TV on the same dedicated line or do you have seperate lines for different components....if so you may be having "out of phase" problems. The TV should be plugged into the same line as you components. One line should power TV, DVD, Cable, etc.

They are on the same circuit.

Or have you moved the TV recently? If you have impacted the TV recently it could need to be realigned.

No movement of TV, I had it realigned a few months ago, but have ordered a guy to do it again.

Dseid, My buddy id a manager at Tweeter, where I bought this, I will ask again today. Thanks for the heads up. I certainly hope he can get it done for me. I came up with the 85% by WATCHING THE CLOCK ON MY SHELVE. When I plugged deirectly to the wall, the lines were present all the time. When I plugged into the PC the lines were visible only 15% per hour. I do believe the lines are present, cause the saturation of color seems a bit faded. I just cannot see them, they must be in the blackground.
I have 2 crt kits coming for my 730, and 530. You guys are great, The conditioners do help alot too. At least in my mind....
Guys, I put the BPT 3.5 into the system, the picture seems better as far as bright color saturation and more dimensionality, but I still get some lines, uugghhh. In a couple weeks, when they install this crt into my 2 elites, hopefully, all will be well.

Thanks to all here on Audiogon
Thanks to you who told me about the crt fix. YEAH, no more lines, and with my new conditioners, my picture has never been better. Thanks again!!!!