Heavy Speakers with Spikes on a Concrete Floor

Looking through the current Mapleshade flyer, the flyer states that speakers sitting on a concrete floor will have boomy bass and treble that is muted.
Their suggestion is to buy their 4” thick Maple with 3” spikes platforms and place them under the speakers.

Now, forget for now the price of these platforms. Is their value to this claim?
If there is a value, I would think that instead of steel spikes, speaker manufactures would make a Maple speaker type footer. Wouldn’t that make more sense?

And secondly, how would I be able to place a 215 lb speaker with large spikes onto this platform?

Showing 9 responses by ozzy

Thanks for the replies. Yes the concrete floor is carpeted but no padding.
I own the Andra 2 speakers. They have some pretty substantial steel spikes that lift the speaker about 3 inches from the floor.
I also have some custom made brass Audio points for them, but I think the spikes that came with them work the best.

Still, I wonder if there is any reason to think that the speakers would sound better on a Maple platform.

Has anyone tried this?
Tvad, Yes they are some expensive brass balls and pricey wood too. Timbernation, isn't that the place that many Audiogon members were having trouble getting the products that were paid for?

Srwooten, I always thought Concrete floors was a plus too.

Dog gone it though, I will have to at least try putting the Mrytle wood blocks under my speaker spikes just to see if there is a change.
If I dont comment back soon, I am in traction.
Lifeengineer, Actually I did own some Cerapucs for a time and I did try them under my Andra 2 speakers.
In the end, I preferred the spikes that came with my speakers and sold the Cerapucs.
Lifeengineer, Tvad, Clio09, Thanks for the advise.
Actually, I dont think my speakers have any problem, its just that the Mapleshade flyer seems to think that spiked speakers do not sound good on carpeted concrete foors.

I will lokk into the Herbies and Apex footer though . Thanks for the suggestion.
Stringreen, Thanks. My system is in a basement room and I was told not use padding in case of a water leak.
I agree with you.

Looking over Mapleshade flyer there are many questionable items in there.
Stanwal, Thank you for some very good comments and suggestions.
(Except the desease comment).
I have more like an Audiophile desease.
Here is the exact statements fron the flyer.

" If your system is on a carpet (or tile) over concrete floor, you must cure the huge degrading effect of the concrete on the sound of your speakers. Concrete weakens and enormously muddies the bass while rolling off and harshening the treble."
" Equally toxic to good speaker sound are modern "engineered" wood floors, particularly floating floors that rest on rubberery insulating sheets. Carpet over concrete or plywood just woresens the situation."

Based on these statements it would seem nothing is good. (except of course their maple platforms.)

So, I was wondering if placing Cardas Myrtle blocks under the speaker spikes might at least give me a hint if there is any creedence to these claims.
Buconero117, I would like to try it but as I have posted, my speakers weigh 215 lbs each and this is not an easy task for this old man to move around and slide a maple platform underneath.
And by by the way, the ones I would need for my size speakers from Maplshade would cost about $1600!

Tvad, I don’t under the treble statement either.

I am such a tweaker though, that I would like to get some inclination that there is merit to the Mapleshade statement

I do know that using a 4" Maple butcher block with Audio points underneath it improved my Amp.